Workshop on Science Intensive Applied Software24 – 27 June 2014, St. Petersburg, Russia St. Petersburg State University and A.P. Ershov Institute of Informatics Systems, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, are holding a workshop on Science Intensive Applied Software on the Peterhof campus of St. Petersburg State University. The workshop is a satellite event of the 9th Ershov Informatics , PSI'14. The goal of the workshop is to present recent advances in the development of science intensive applied software and to provide a wide forum for discussions and exchange of ideas between researchers from academia and industry, application software developers and customers. Workshop topics
ChairProf. Andrey Terekhov, Program Commitee
Workshop SecretaryYurii Litvinov, Workshop StructureThe program will include contributed talks, panels, and demos of software systems. Workshop languageThe working language of the workshop is Russian. ProceedingsAccepted papers will be published as a special volume. Selected papers will be recommended for publication in “Modeling and Analysis of Information Systems” journal, which is included into the List of leading reviewed scientific journals and editions by Russian Higher Attestation Commission (VAK). SubmissionsContributions may be submitted as full papers or poster presentations. To apply for participation, an author should submit a paper containing original contributions that have not been published or submitted to other conferences/journals. Poster presentations may include demonstrations of science intensive software, but should also be submitted as a text to be published in proceedings. The papers submitted should be in the Russian or English language and not exceed eight A4 pages (Word, font size 10). All submissions should include an abstract in the English language and comply with Springer LNCS guidelines: http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-2-793341-0. Please supply the following contact information: the author’s name, affiliation, phone and fax numbers, postal and e-mail addresses. The Workshop’s Programme Committee uses Easychair.org, the site of the EasyChair conference management system, which allows a quick registration and an objective evaluation of the submissions. The Word-file of the paper should be downloaded using the EasyСhair system at https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=sias14. Please follow closely the instructions placed at the site. If there are any problems, do not hesitate to contact the Workshop Secretary at y.litvinov@spbu.ru. Information and ContactsFor information and participation requests please contact the Workshop PC Chair and Secretary at the following e-mail addresses: Important Dates
The Workshop ProgrammeThe Workshop Programme is available in PDF (in Russian). |
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