A.P. Ershov Institute of Informatics Systems
Sixth International Andrei Ershov Memorial Conference «PERSPECTIVES OF SYSTEM INFORMATICS»

27-30 June 2006, Novosibirsk, Akademgorodok, Russia

List of Accepted Papers

Full papers

  1. Sergei Abramov, Robert Glück and Yuri Klimov An Universal Resolving Algorithm for Inverse Computation in a Lazy Language
  2. Kiyoshi Akama, Ekawit Nantajeewarawat and Hidekatsu Koike Program Generation in the Equivalent Transformation Computation Model using the Squeeze Method
  3. Thomas Baar and Slavisa Markovic A Graphical Approach to Prove the Semantic Preservation of UML/OCL Refactoring Rules
  4. Thomas Baar and Jon Whittle On the Usage of Concrete Syntax in Model Transformation Rules
  5. Nieves R. Brisaboa, Antonio Fariña, Miguel R. Luaces and José R. Paramá Chase of recursive queries
  6. Nieves R. Brisaboa, Antonio Fariña, Gonzalo Navarro and José R. Paramá Improving semistatic compression via pair-based coding
  7. Mark Buckley and Christoph Benzmüller An Agent-based Architecture for Dialogue Systems
  8. Liliana Cojocaru Characterizations of CD grammar systems working in competence mode by multicounter machine resources
  9. Walter Dosch and Annette Stuempel Deriving State-Based Implementations of Interactive Components with History Abstractions
  10. Alberto de la Encina, Luis Llana and Fernando Rubio Introducing Debugging Capabilities to Natural Semantics
  11. Stephan Frank, Petra Hofstedt, Peter Pepper and Dirk Reckmann Solution Strategies for Multi-domain Constraint Logic Programs
  12. Natalia Garanina and Nikolay Shilov Well-structured Model Checking of Multiagent Systems
  13. Damas P. Gruska Limited Timing Attacks
  14. Heinrich Herre and Sören Auer A Versioning and Evolution Framework for RDF Knowledge Bases
  15. Kees van Hee, Olivia Oanea, Natalia Sidorova and Marc Voorhoeve Verifying Generalized Soundness for Workflow Nets
  16. Natalia Ioustinova, Stefan Blom, Thomas Deiss, Ari Kontio, Jaco van de Pol, Axel Rennoch and Natalia Sidorova TTCN-3 for Distributed Testing Embedded Systems
  17. Andrei Klimov Specification of Monogenetic Specializers as a Relation between Source and Residual Programs
  18. Margarita Korovina and Nicolai Vorobjov Satisfiability of Viability Constraints for Pfaffian Dynamics
  19. Cornelis H.A. Koster and Jean Beney On the Importance of Parameter Tuning in Text Categorization
  20. Vahur Kotkas Preconditions for Structural Synthesis of Programs
  21. Olga Kouchnarenko and Arnaud Lanoix How to Verify and Exploit a Refinement of Component-based Systems
  22. Torben Ægidius Mogensen Report on an Implementation of a Semi-Inverter
  23. Saeed Parsa and Shahriar Lotfi Loop Parallelization in Multi-dimensional Cartesian Space
  24. Stefan Sarstedt and Walter Guttmann An ASM Semantics of Token Flow in UML 2 Activity Diagrams
  25. Klaus-Dieter Schewe and Jane Zhao Refinements in Typed Abstract State Machines
  26. Sangmoon Shin, Yi Guo, Yongsun Choi and Myeonggil Choi Development of a Robust Data Mining Method Using CBFS and RSM
  27. Andrew Solomon Pushout: A mathematical model of architectural merger
  28. Phiniki Stouppa and Thomas Studer A Formal Model of Data Privacy
  29. Sergei Vorobyov Linear Complementarity for Stochastic Games
  30. Vladimir Zakharov and Gabriel Ciobanu Encoding mobile ambients into the pi-calculus

Short papers

  1. Sören Auer and Heinrich Herre RapidOWL - an Agile Knowledge Engineering Methodology
  2. Dmitri Boulytchev BURS-based Instruction Set Selection
  3. Anatoly Chebotarev and Sergey Krivoi Improved Resolution-based Method for Satisfiability Checking Formulas of the Language L
  4. Roman Dubtsov Real-Time Stable Event Structures and Marked Scott Domains: an Adjunction
  5. Alexey Grinevich, Alexey Khoroshilov, Victor Kuliamin, Denis Markovtsev, Alexander Petrenko and Vladimir Rubanov Formal Methods in Industrial Software Standards Enforcement
  6. Sergey Lukichev Visual Rules Modeling
  7. Alejandro Russo and Andrei Sabelfeld Transformation-based Security for Multithreaded Programs
  8. Alex Shafarenko, Sven-Bodo Scholz and Clemens Grelck Streaming Networks for Coordinating Data-Parallel Programs
  9. Tursunbay kyzy Yrysgul Fully dynamic algorithm for recognizing and representing chordal graphs
  10. Yury Zagorulko, Babak Akhgar, Jawed Siddiqi and Olesya Borovikova A Knowledge Portal for Cultural Information Resources: Towards an Architecture


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