Accepted Papers
- Victor Dubinin, Sandeep Patil, Cheng Pang and Valeriy Vyatkin. Neutralizing Semantic Ambiguities of Function Block Architecture by Modeling with ASM
- Sergei Gorlatch. Towards High-Level Programming for Systems with Many Cores
- Sergei Grechanik. Inductive Prover based on Equality Saturation for a Lazy Functional Language
- Alexei Iliasov and Jeremy W. Bryans. A proof-based method for modelling timed systems
- Ilya Klyuchnikov and Sergei A. Romanenko. Certifying supercompilation for Martin-Löf's type theory
- Margarita Korovina and Oleg Kudinov. Index sets as a measure of continuous constraint complexity
- Radu Mardare, Bingtian Xue and Kim Guldstrand Larsen. Decidability and Expressiveness of Recursive Weighted Logic
- Torben Mogensen. Supercompilation for Datatypes
- Lidia Sánchez Gil, Mercedes Hidalgo-Herrero and Yolanda Ortega-Mallén. The role of indirections in lazy natural semantics
- Vinodh Kumar Sunkara and Aamod Sane. Skeblle: A Tool for Programmable Active Diagrams
- Maurice H. Ter Beek, Stefania Gnesi and Franco Mazzanti. Model Checking Value-Passing Modal Specifications
- Peter Thiemann. Towards Specializing JavaScript Programs
- Margus Veanes. Symbolic String Transformations with Regular Lookahead and Rollback
- Stefan Vijzelaar, Kees Verstoep, Henri Bal and Wan Fokkink. Bonsai: Cutting Models Down to Size
- Evgenii Vityaev and Vitaly Martynovich. Probabilistic formal concepts for contexts with negation
- Ilja Zakharov, Evgeny Novikov, Vadim Mutilin and Alexey Khoroshilov. Modeling Environment for Static Verification of Linux Kernel Modules
- Michael Dever and Geoff Hamilton. Automatically Partitioning Data to Facilitate the Parallelization of Functional Programs
- Pavel Emelyanov and Denis Ponomaryov. On Tractability of Disjoint AND-Decomposition of Boolean Formulas
- Natalia Garanina, Elena Sidorova and Evgeny Bodin. A Multi-agent Text Analysis Based on Ontology of Subject Domain
- Natalya Gribovskaya. Timed History Preserving Bisimulation and Open Maps
- Damas Gruska. Process Opacity
- Ping Hou and Yifei Chen. Verification of Temporal Properties of Hybrid Systems Using dMTL
- Neil Jones and Geoff Hamilton. Asymptotic Speedups, Bisimulation and Distillation
- Martin Plümicke. More type inference in Java 8
- Anton Podkopaev and Dmitri Boulytchev. Polynomial-Time Optimal Pretty-Printing Combinators with Choice
- German Vidal. Towards Symbolic Execution in Erlang
- Irina Virbitskaite and Dmitry Bushin. Comparing Semantics under Strong Timing of Petri Nets
- Ioan Dragan and Laura Kovacs. Lingva: Generating and Proving Program Properties using Symbol Elimination
- Kirill Smirnov, Chernishev George, Pavel Fedotovsky, George Erokhin and Kirill Cherednik. The study of multidimensional R-Tree-based index scalability in multicore environment
- Zhengmao Ye and Habib Mohamadian. Multiple Ant Colony Optimization for Single Depot Multiple Trip Vehicle Routing Problems
- Andrew Mironov. A sufficient condition of observational equivalence of processes
- Antonina Nepeivoda. A Refinement of Higman Embedding in Loop Approximation
- Thomas Baar and Issam Bendaas. Gaining a Deeper Understanding of Graphical Models by Making their Evolution Visible