A.P. Ershov Institute of Informatics Systems
Sixth International Andrei Ershov Memorial Conference «PERSPECTIVES OF SYSTEM INFORMATICS»

27-30 June 2006, Novosibirsk, Akademgorodok, Russia

Call for papers

Aims and Scope
Conference Topics
Conference Chair
Steering Committee
Program Committee Co-Chairs
Program Committee Members
Conference Secretary
Invited Speakers
Conference Proceedings
Satellite Workshops
Important Dates

Aims and Scope

The conference is held to honour the 75th anniversary of academician Andrei Ershov (1931−1988) and his outstanding contributions towards advancing informatics. The first five conferences were held in 1991, 1996, 1999, 2001 and 2003, respectively, and proved to be significant international events.

Andrei Ershov was one of the early Russian pioneers in the field of the theory of programming and systems programming, a founder of the Siberian Computer Science School. In 1974 he was nominated as a Distinguished Fellow of the British Computer Society. In 1981 he received the Silver Core Award for services rendered to IFIP. Andrei Ershov's brilliant speeches were always in the focus of public attention. Especially notable was his lecture on “Aesthetic and human factor in programming” presented at the AFIPS Spring Joint Computer Conference in 1972. Andrei Ershov was not only an extremely gifted scientist, teacher and fighter for his ideas, but also a bright and many-sided personality. He wrote poetry, translated the works of R. Kipling and other English poets, and enjoyed playing guitar and singing. Everyone who had the pleasure of knowing Andrei Ershov and working with him will always remember his great vision, eminent achievements, and generous friendship.

The aim of the conference is to provide a forum for the presentation and in-depth discussion of advanced research directions in computer science. For a developing science, it is important to work out consolidating ideas, concepts and models. Movement in this direction is another aim of the conference. Improvement of the contacts and exchange of ideas between researchers from the East and West are further goals.

Conference Topics

Conference topics include:

Foundations of Program and System Development and Analysis

  • specification, validation, and verification techniques,
  • program analysis, transformation and synthesis,
  • semantics, logic and formal models of programs,
  • partial evaluation, mixed computation, abstract interpretation, compiler construction,
  • theorem proving and model checking,
  • concurrency theory,
  • modelling and analysis of real-time and hybrid systems,
  • computer models and algorithms for bioinformatics.

Programming Methodology and Software Engineering

  • object-oriented, aspect-oriented, component-based and generic programming,
  • programming by contract,
  • program and system construction for parallel and distributed computing,
  • constraint programming,
  • multi-agent technology,
  • system re-engineering and reuse,
  • integrated programming environments,
  • software architectures,
  • software development and testing,
  • model-driven system/software development,
  • agile software development,
  • tools for software engineering,
  • program understanding and visualization.

Information Technologies

  • data models,
  • database and information systems,
  • knowledge-based systems and knowledge engineering,
  • ontologies and semantic Web,
  • digital libraries, collections and archives,  Web publishing,
  • peer-to-peer data management.

In addition to papers in the above list of topics, papers both bridging the gap between different directions and promoting mutual understanding of researchers are welcome. Papers defining the general prospects in Computer Science are also encouraged.

The Program will consist of three kinds of presentations — invited talks, regular contributed talks, and short contributed talks.


The conference will be held in Akademgorodok (Academy town), 30 km South from Novosibirsk, the largest city of Siberia. Akademgorodok is located in a picturesque place near the Ob lake. It is surrounded with birch and pine forests and pleasant not only for work but for recreation as well. Silence, beautiful landscape, and pure air are the factors promoting scientific activity and creativity.

Conference Chair

Alexander Marchuk, A. P. Ershov Institute of Informatics Systems, Novosibirsk, Russia

Steering Committee

Dines Bjørner, Institute of Informatics and Mathematical Modelling, Denmark

Manfred Broy, Institut für Informatik, Technische Universität München, Germany

Alexandre Zamulin, A.P. Ershov Institute of Informatics Systems, Novosibirsk, Russia

Program Committee Co-Chairs

Irina Virbitskaite, A.P. Ershov Institute of Informatics Systems, Novosibirsk, Russia

Andrei Voronkov, Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA

Conference Secretary

Natalia Cheremnykh, A.P. Ershov Institute of Informatics Systems
6, Acad. Lavrentjev pr.
630090 Novosibirsk, Russia
tel.: +7-383-3307352
fax: +7-383-3323494

Program Committee Members

Scott W. Ambler, Ambysoft Inc., Toronto, Canada
Egidio Astesiano, Univ. Genova, Italy
Janis Barzdins, Univ. Latvia, Riga, Latvia
Frédéric Benhamou, Univ. Nantes, France
Stefan Brass, Univ. Halle, Germany
Ed Brinksma, Univ. Twente, The Netherlands
Kim Bruce, Pomona College, California, USA
Mikhail Bulyonkov, IIS SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Albertas Čaplinskas, IMI, Vilnius, Lithuania
Sung-Deok Cha, KAIST, Taejon, South Korea
Gabriel Ciobanu, Inst. Comp. Sc. RA, Iasi, Romania
Paul C. Clements, Carnegie-Mellon Univ., USA
Miklós Csürös, Univ. Montreal, Canada
Serge Demeyer,  Univ. of Antwerp, Belgium 
Alexander Dikovsky, Univ. Nantes, France
Javier Esparza, Univ. Stuttgart, Germany
Jean Claude Fernandez, Univ. J. Fourier, Grenoble, France
Chris George, UNU/ IIST, Macau
Ivan Golosov, Intel, Novosibirsk, Russia
Jan Friso Groote, Eindhoven Univ. of Technology, The Netherlands
Alan Hartman, IBM Haifa Research Lab., Israel
Victor Ivannikov, IPS RAS, Moscow, Russia
Victor Kasyanov, IIS SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Joost-Pieter Katoen, RWTH Aachen Univ., Germany
Alexander Kleschev, IACP RAS, Vladivostok, Russia
Nikolay Kolchanov, ICiG, Novosibirsk,, Russia
Gregory Kucherov, INRIA/LORIA, Nancy, France
Johan Lilius, Ǻbo Akademi Univ. Turku, Finland
Dominique Méry, Univ. Henri Poincaré, Nancy, France
Torben Mogensen, Univ. Copenhagen, Denmark
Bernhard Möller, Univ. Augsburg, Germany
Hanspeter Mössenböck, JK Univ. Linz, Austria
Peter Mosses, Univ. Wales, Swansea, UK
Ron Morrison, St Andrews Univ., UK
Peter Műller, ETH, Zürich, Switzerland
Fedor Murzin, IIS SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Valery Nepomniaschy, IIS SB RAS, Russia
Nikolaj Nikitchenko, Nat. Univ. Kiev, Ukraine
Jose R. Parama, Univ. A Coruña, Spain
Francesco Parisi-Presicce, GM Univ., Virginia, USA
Wojciech Penczek, Inst. Comp. Sci., Warsaw, Poland
Jaan Penjam, Tallinn Tech. Univ., Estonia
Peter Pepper, Tech. Univ. Berlin, Germany
Alexander Petrenko, IPS RAS, Moscow, Russia
Jaroslav Pokorny, Charles U., Prague, Czech Republic
Wolfgang Reisig, Humboldt-Universität, Berlin, Germany
Viktor Sabelfeld, Univ. Karlsruhe, Germany
Timos Sellis, Nation. Tech. Univ. Athens, Greece
Alexander Semenov, Intel, Novosibirsk, Russia
Klaus-Dieter Schewe, Massey Univ,PN, New Zealand
David Schmidt, Kansas State Univ.,Manhattan, USA
Sibylle Schupp, Chalmers Univ. Tech., Sweden
Nikolay Shilov, IIS SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Alexander Tomilin, IPS RAS, Moscow, Russia
Enn Tyugu, Inst. Cybernetics, Tallinn, Estonia
Alexander L. Wolf, Univ. Colorado at Boulder, USA
Tatyana Yakhno, Dokuz Eylul Univ., Izmir, Turkey
Wang Yi, Uppsala Univ., Sweden.

Invited Speakers

Eike Best, Univ. Oldenburg, Germany;
Robert Harper, Carnegie Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh, USA;
Alexander Letichevsky, Inst. Cybernetics, Kiev, Ukraine;
Alexandre Petrenko, CRIM, Canada;
K. Rustan M. Leino, Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA.


Submissions for extended abstracts must:

  • Contain original contributions that have not been published or submitted to other conferences/journals in parallel with this conference.
  • Clearly state the problem being addressed, the goal of the work, the results achieved, and the relation to other work.
  • Be in PS or PDF and formatted according to Springer LNCS Information for Authors:
  • Have a length that does not exceed 10 pages for a regular talk and 5 pages for a short talk.
  • Be in English and in a form that can be immediately included in the proceedings without major revision.
  • Be sent electronically (as a PostScript or PDF file) using website not later than February 12, 2006.

Conference Proceedings

A book of extended abstracts of invited and accepted talks will be available at the conference. The full versions of the papers presented at the conference (roughly, 14 pages long for a regular talk and 7 pages long for a short talk) will be published by Springer-Verlag in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series after the conference. One can find the proceedings of the previous four conferences in LNCS, Vol. 1181, 1755, 2244 and 2890, respectively. A report on the previous conference can be found in EATCS Bulletin, No 81 (2003) 267–271, and also at the conference site:


You can fly to Novosibirsk via Moscow by Aeroflot, Transaero or S7. Direct S7 flights will bring you from Frankfurt, Hannover, Tel-Aviv or Beijing to Novosibirsk and back. Participants travelling via Moscow will be helped to take a domestic flight by Aeroflot. See official site of Siberia Airlines for booking tickets online. You can find timetable of international flights in aeroport Tolmachevo near Novosibirsk at the aeroport website.

All participants will be met at the Novosibirsk airport and brought to Akademgorodok by a special transport.


The weather in Novosibirsk at the end of June is normally quite warm and sunny with the temperatures in the range of 25-30 C. Night swimming in the Ob lake is guaranteed. You can see weather datails at or, in Russian, at

Satellite Workshops

Additionally the following workshops will be satellite events of PSI06:

  • Educational Informatics (see the workshop page);
  • Program Understanding which will be held in Altai mountains (see the workshop page);
  • Workshop on Science Intensive Applied Software (see the workshop page in Russian).

Important Dates

February 12, 2006: submission deadline of extended abstracts;
April 7, 2006: notification of acceptance. The notification time is by 23:59 PST, Friday, April 7;
June 27-30, 2006: the conference dates;
September 15, 2006: final papers due.


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